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「陳醋」燜排骨【八珍醬料】Pat Chun Sauces | made in Hong Kong 香港製造

Pat Chun 八珍醬園

八珍陳醋是由高粱和小麥用固態發酵而成需超過700天的陳化經歷季節温度變化釀造而成。發酵期間需師傅細心的照顧, 每天層疊翻缸透氣讓曲酸菌在合適的環境中成長。
負責固態發酵的黃師傅解釋: 陳醋直接在穀物上發酵含濃郁的熏穀香味此味道最適合用來蘸點餃子、涼拌小食的醋汁及煮肉類。
Aged Sorghum Vinegar 500ml is brewed through labour intensive solid state fermentation method. The vinegar undergoes cycles of diurnal and seasonal aging over 700 days which matures it into a condiment with the most refined taste: it is rich and complex with a smoky aroma of roasted grain. Many consider this the finest variety of Chinese vinegar for dipping dumplings or as dressing for vegetables or meat.

八珍網店 Online shop: www.patchun.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/patchuninternational
Instagram: www.instagram.com/patchuninternational

[香港門市 Hong Kong Shops]
旺角店 (Mong Kok Shop Tel:2394 8777)
中環店 (Central Shop Tel :2545 6700)
筲箕灣店 (Shau Kei Wan Shop Tel:2569 2296)
油麻地店 Yau Ma Tei Shop Tel:2384 8544)

[新加坡専門店 Singapore Shop]
1719 South Bridge Road, Singapore 058660 (Tel: 65 6438 0480)

posted by ashmarie587p