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醉雞翼🔥youtube熱爆影片🔥香氣撲鼻😋 大人細路🕺 都啱食👍

{{越煮越好}}Very Good

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1. 雞翼用清水解凍20分鐘倒去水分用粗鹽直接乸30分鐘。
2. 沖淨冰糖用2碗水煲滾轉細火至冰糖完全溶解。
3. 雞翼用鹽乸30分鐘後揸乾淨血水沖洗乾淨。

1. 煲滾一鑊水。
2. 放雞翼落鑊。
3. 收至中慢火浸20分鐘。
4. 將3湯匙杞子用清水浸2分鐘。
5. 雞翼浸了20分鐘將火轉大火滾2分鐘。
6. 雞翼過冷河沖走雞油。
7. 預備1盆冰水。
8. 雞翼過冷河後擎乾水即時將雞翼放入冰水浸15分鐘令雞翼皮爽身一點。
9. 15分鐘後再擎乾冰水吹乾15分鐘。
10. 用1個玻璃器皿將杞子及雞翼一同放入內。
11. 再在上面放1湯匙杞子。
12. 倒冰糖漿在雞翼上糖漿份量按個人口味增減。
13. 加入花雕酒蓋過雞翼面放入雪櫃浸6小時以上即成。

Drunken chicken wings:

Chicken wings 2 pounds
Goji berries
Chinese Shaoxing wine
Rock sugar

1. Defrost the chicken wings with tap water for 20 minutes, pour out the water, season them with cooking salt for 30 minutes.
2. Boil up water, put the rock sugar in water. Stir until it is totally melted.
3. Chicken wings have been seasoned for 30 minutes, sqeeze the blood from the wings, rinse thoroughly.

1. Boil up the water in the wok.
2. Put the chicken wings into the boiled up water.
3. Turn to medium low flame, soak the wings for 20 minutes.
4. Soak the 3 tbsp Goji berries in tap water for 2 minutes.
5. Chicken wings have been soaked for 20 minutes, turn to high flame, cook for 2 minutes.
6. Rinse the chicken wings with tap water, in order to clean the fat from chicken wings properly.
7. Prepare a large amount of ice cubes.
8. Hang dry after the chicken wings have been rinsed thoroughly. Put them into iced water immediately and soak them for 15 minutes. This wll help the skin of chicken wings more crispy.
9. 15 minutes later, hang dry again. Leave them dry for 15 minutes.
10. Use a glass ware, put goji berries together with the chicken wings into the ware.
11. Put 1 tbsp Goji berries on the top of the chicken wings.
12. Pour the rock sugar syrup on top of chicken wings, the amount depends on the personal taste.
13. Pour Chinese shaoxing wine over the top of the chicken wings. Soak 6 hours or more. Serve.

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posted by tebejavig1