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蔥油粉絲雞煲Weather keeps cold claypot is good choice.

{{越煮越好}}Very Good

Chicken legs claypot with mung bean vermicelli in green onion and ginger oil

⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇


1. 雞髀清水解凍。
2. 雞髀解凍後倒去水分加入粗鹽一湯匙乸15分鐘去除雪味腥味及加入少許鹹味。
3. 雞髀清水洗乾淨擎乾水廚紙索乾。
4. 粉絲清水浸軟。
5. 蔥清水洗乾淨
6. 薑去皮洗乾淨保留薑皮。
7. 洗乾淨煲仔。
8. 洋蔥一開四去皮清水洗乾淨搣開一塊塊放煲仔內。
9. 蔥切去兩端切粒放碗內。
10. 薑薑刴碎放蔥內。
11. 蔥頭清水洗乾淨。

1. 大火煲滾一鑊水。
2. 在鑊內放蔥頭、蔥尾、薑皮及紹興酒2湯匙。
3. 放雞髀在鑊內大火滾起轉最慢火浸20分鐘。
4. 粉絲已浸軟清水沖洗乾淨放大碗內加入老抽一湯匙撈勻。
5. 另一邊在鑊內大火燒熱油3湯匙。
6. 在薑蔥內加入鹽一茶匙油已燒熱灒入熱油撈勻。
7. 雞髀已浸了20分鐘夾起擎乾水攤凍。
8. 粉絲放在洋蔥上。
9. 在大碗內加入
a. 老抽一湯匙
b. 蠔油一湯匙
c. 糖2茶匙
10. 煲仔加入以上調味料冚蓋大火煲滾。
11. 雞髀切去雞膏 切件放碟上。
12. 粉絲已燜至軟身加入適量薑蔥油。
13. 雞髀放上面。
14. 餘下的薑蔥油鋪在雞髀上冚蓋大火滾起燜至收汁熄火焗5分鐘。
15. 完成可享用。

Chicken legs claypot with mung bean vermicelli in green onion and ginger oil

Frozen chicken legs 3 Nos.
Mung bean vermicelli 0.5 catty
Onion (purple) 1 No.
Green onion a bunch
Ginger (small) 1 No.

1. Chicken legs, defrost in tap water.
2. Chicken legs, pour away water after defrost. Add in 1 tbsp of cooking salt, season for 15 minutes, to remove unpleasant smells and add some salty tastes to them.
3. Chicken legs, rinse thoroughly. Drain. Dry with kitchen towels.
4. The vermicelli, soak in tap water until it turns soft.
5. Green onion, rinse with tap water.
6. Ginger, get it peeled. Rinse with tap water. Retain the skin.
7. Rinse a pot.
8. Onion, divide it into 4 shares. Get it peeled. Rinse with tap water. Separate it slice by slice. Put in the pot.
9. Green onion, cut both ends. Dice in cubes. Put in s bowl.
10. Ginger chop well. Put in the green onion.
11. Root of green onion, rinse thoroughly.

1. Heat up a wok of water at high flame.
2. Put green onion ends, ginger skin and 2 tbsps of Shaoxing wine in the wok.
3. Put chicken legs in the wok. Heat up at high flame. Turn to the lowest flame and boil for 20 minutes.
4. The vermicelli has been softly soaked, rinse thoroughly. Put in a big bowl. Add in 1 tbsp of dark soya sauce, mix well.
5. On the other side, heat up 3 tbsp of oil at high flame in wok.
6. Add in 1 tsp of salt in the ginger and green onion. Oil has been heated up, pour into the green onion and ginger. Mix well.
7. Chicken legs have been boiled for 20 minutes, pick them up. Drain. Wait for cooling down.
8. The vermicelli, put on top of the onion.
9. In a big bowl, add in:
a. Dark soya sauce 1 tbsp
b. Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
c. Sugar 2 tsp
Add in 400ml of water, mix well.
10. Add in the above seasoning in the pot. Cover it up. Heat up at high flame.
11. Chicken legs, cut off fat. Cut in pieces. Put on plate.
12. The vermicelli has been softly braised, add in appropriate amount of the ginger and green onion oil.
13. Put chicken legs on top.
14. The remaining oil, put on top of the chicken legs. Cover up the pot. Heat up at high flame. Braise until the sauce becomes thick. Turn off fire. Leave it for 5 minutes.
15. Complete. Serve.

Weather keeps cold, claypot is good choice.

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