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Steamed cake zero-failure recipe no oven required fluffy and soft delicious[CC subtitles]

Leilei cooking

Steamed cake, zerofailure recipe, no oven required, fluffy and soft, delicious and not hot, let's try it together.
1. The rice flour will not become gluten, so you can stir it however you like
2. Many friends will ask, is it true that stirring with egg cream will not defoam? The answer is really really not, and the egg custard is very fast.
#米饼#蒸米饼#蒸米糕#rice cake#steamed cake

Ingredient list
3 eggs
milk 50g
Salt 2g
Corn oil 20g
rice flour 70g
sugar 35g
vinegar 1tsp
eggs 3
milk 3 tbsp
salt 1/4 tsp
Corn oil 2 tbsp
rice flour 1/2 cup
sugar 3 tbsp

Welcome to watch my other videos:
Ancient cake:    • 【古早蛋糕】零失败超柔软入口即化  
Matcha cake:    • 小清新超治愈波点抹茶蛋糕卷完美毛巾面柔软细腻不开裂[CC字幕]  
Cupcakes:    • 纸杯蛋糕|基础小蛋糕|戚风不开裂不塌陷的小诀窍香甜美味早餐好选择[C...  
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The background music of this video comes from:    / nealksound  

posted by vuotural3