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(Peri)Menopause and Internet Pain! The algorithm hurts you. ;-(

Create A Menopause Recovery

Build Personal Action Plans: [email protected]
Our doctors aren't optimizing health with optimal dosing and nutrition.

Famous influencer (Age 61) mistakes on HRT.
The internet doesn't want you well. It's trapping you.
The algorithm needs to keep you online longer =more advertising.
Half of my clients end up in the hospital!
I study the science so you don't have to. I help you build a personal action plan. We have gaps in medical care! Be informed with a consultation. [email protected]

Melodies Coaching Recovery after 2.5 years of pain, low energy and brain fog
   • Menopause"Universe of Improvement" ...  

I do not sell drugs or hormone replacement therapy.
We discuss 20 ways to get Hormone Replacement Therapy.
I help you assess your personal response to hormone replacement therapy.
I do not sell anything other than health coaching sessions.
I keep the conversation wide open to any treatment that you are interested in.
I do share my personal experiences which may not be your experience in menopause.
I do share summaries of industry and healthrelated information. This is part of a coaching service.
I work under contract with clients that need custom education and assistance at menopause.
I am certified for Health and Wellness Coaching under the National Medical Board.
I am certified for Health and Wellness Coaching by the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine.
I am certified in Immune Strengthening by Autoimmune Wellness, LLC
I have used HRT for 17 years.
I have used an immune strengthening diet for 14 years.
I am happy to share my personal experience with clients.
[email protected]

Your 15 Point Plan: with Quick & Easy Tips:
The Best HRT
Your Optimal Doses
Signs of HRT Overdose & Under dose
Make Your Doctor(s) Work!
11 ways to get HRT
Your Personal NutrientDense Diet
Your Critical Supplements to Compliment HRT
Productive Fasting Tips
Pharma Causing Weight Gain
HealthEnhancing, Nontoxic Pharma
Brain Support: Mood
Brain Support: Cognition & Memory
Brain Support: Nutrients
Sleep Enhancement Routines
The Benefits of Light Therapy, PEMF, Hyperbaric Oxygen

Youtube screens my videos for drug names (like hormone names) that might mean I am selling fake HRT online. They don't know that I am an educator. They don't know that I follow ethics of a Board Certified Coach. They don't know that I don't endorse products for money. I could be cancelled at any time. That's the nature of forprofit world. That's what is distracting us from wellness. I'm a real coach. I don't just call myself "coach" to sell you supplements or fake drugs.

If you get an ad for something, it's mass marketing. They don't want you well. They aren't listening to your issues, listening to your life experience. That's what matters with HRT! Symptoms are key. You want to resolve symptoms. If it's a canned course or program, it will not make you well and whole. No one makes money if you use generic HRT and nutrition to feel well. No one.

Don't spend more hours on the internet.
***. If you don't have hormone balance in 4 months, you are missing something. ***
I can help you problem solve this. email [email protected]

Come for coaching to optimize your HRT and your life. A single conversation can change your life! email [email protected]

Clients have access to 60 private videos, ebooks: HighIQ Menopause, Low Dose Naltrexone for Boosting Hormones, The Problem With Supplements, Key Supplements & Providers, Strengthen Your Immune System, Losing Weight at Menopause, Sleep Enhancement at Menopause, Keeping Your Job at Menopause, Budget Your Menopause, Silent Killers at Menopause, Mood Boosters, Reducing Cardiovascular Problems, Pharma Harm, Best & Worst HRT, Overcome Progesterone Reaction, Food Interactions with HRT, Detoxing Your HRT, Optimizing Brain Health, Recovering from COVID or Vaccines, Obesity and Menopause, Diabetes and Menopause, Autoimmune and Menopause, Thyroid Problems, Retaining Hair, Skin Issues, 12 Ways to Find HRT Never Go Without! My 15 Years of HRT with 12 Doctors, HRT Dosing Choices, Other Hormones Needed, Tools For Your Appointment Hand to Your Doctor


posted by frutantsiz