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4 Behaviors That Can Be Hurtful For Cats


1. Talking Loudly

Cats, with their acute sense of hearing,
tend to react sensitively to small sounds.

Therefore, they may be frightened
when the owner talks in a loud voice.

If the owner continues to speak loudly,
cats will run away or hide from the owner
when he/she is nearby.

2. Ignoring Them

Cats are generally independent,
but they sometimes want to act like a baby
or seek the owner’s attention.

If you get annoyed or keep on ignoring them
because you do not want to get distracted,
cats may feel hurt.

Therefore, even if you are very busy,
you should take the time out to play with your cats, pet them,
and give them as much attention as possible.

3. Saying Negative Things

It is suggested that you do not say negative things
such as “no” or “that’s annoying” to cats.

While cats cannot accurately understand what the owner is saying,
they can guess the meaning from
the owner’s face, vibe, and the way he/she speaks.

When you say negative things,
cats may get hurt
because you may look or sound touchy without realizing.

Therefore, you should use a soft and friendly voice
when you are talking to cats.

4. Playing Favorites

If you live with many cats,
other pets like a dog, or a kid,
you need to try to love and attend to them as equally as possible.

Cats who like their owner
may feel jealous and get stressed out
if the owner’s attention is directed elsewhere.

You should be mindful as the psychological stress that cats feel
may even harm their physical health.

posted by 3883blog9l