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煎萝卜糕 Pan-Fried Radish Cake (Fried Lo Bak Go)

Nanyang Kitchen

做萝卜糕的萝卜要用金马仑白萝卜而不是菜园白萝卜原因是菜园白萝卜带甘苦味比较适合煲汤 做罗卜糕的话会因为这甘苦味而坏了整锅的萝卜糕。炒米浆时只要炒至糊化也就是大家常说的浓稠蒸出来的糕就不会塌陷了。至于要糊化到什么程度那就要看你喜欢吃的口感炒得越干萝卜糕的口感就会是越硬越扎实。我们家喜欢吃软糯口感的所以会在米浆炒至稠得不能流动时就出锅入模。然后蒸个45分钟待凉后切块煎至金黄色皮脆软糯浓郁白萝卜味的煎白萝卜糕就做好啦

分量56 人份

350克/1条 金马伦白萝卜去皮切丝
20克 虾米泡软剁碎
5瓣 蒜头去衣剁碎
2汤匙 油

200克 粘米粉
30克 澄粉
700克 水
少许 胡椒粉
1汤匙 酱油
1茶匙 盐
1茶匙 砂糖

1. 煮锅一滚水加入白萝卜丝焯水10分钟沥水待用
2. 把材料B混合搅拌均匀待用

1. 热锅, 加入油和蒜头炒匀爆香
2. 加入虾米炒匀爆至金黄色
3. 加入萝卜丝拌炒至萝卜丝变绵
4. 下材料B粉浆慢火拌炒至稠得不能流动
5. 熄火把萝卜米浆移入1个模内6寸模
6. 放入蒸笼文火蒸45分钟
7. 熄火萝卜糕出锅待凉(至少3个小时脱模
8. 萝卜糕切块煎至两面金黄色
9. 趁热享用

Best to use Cameron Highlands white radish for Fried Lo Bak Go to avoid the bitter taste if you use the usual white radish. You can also control the extent of frying the batter the texture will be more solid if you fry it longer. Watch the video and give it a try?

Portion: 56 pax
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes + 45 minutes steam

Ingredients A:
350 g Cameron Highlands white radish (peel & slice)
20 g dried shrimp (soak & mince)
5 cloves garlic (peel & mince)
2 tbsp cooking oil

Ingredients B (Batter):
200 g rice flour
30 g wheat starch
700 g water
½ tsp white pepper
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp salt
1 tsp fine sugar

1. Prepare a pot of boiling water, add sliced white radish, blanch for 10 minutes, drain & set aside
2. Mix all Ingredients B well & set aside

1. Heat the wok, add cooking oil, garlic & saute
2. Add dried shrimp, fry until it turns golden brown
3. Add white radish, fry well until it softens
4. Add Ingredients B batter, fry well with low heat until it thickens (no longer in liquid form)
5. Turn off the gas, transfer the mixture to a 6inches mould
6. Place the mixture mould into a steamer, steam it with medium heat for 45 minutes
7. Turn off the gas, retrieve the radish cake, leave it to cold (at least 3 hours) & demould
8. Cut radish cake into pieces, panfry until it turns golden brown
9. It’s done!

⚠ 转载食谱请注明食谱来自南洋小厨
⚠ Please credit Nanyang Kitchen if you reshare this recipe

#南洋风味家常菜单 #nanyangkitchen

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posted by rostivasu1