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Unbelievable work of a baker from 2:00 a.m.! A Day in the Life of a local Japanese Bakery

Bread Story パンものがたり

【Boulangerie Recolte】
The owner of this bakery is a former clinical technologist.
He started baking bread incorporating his knowledge of health by using his experience as a clinical technologist.
He loves to make people happy and wants to make bread that makes people happy.
We caught up closely with this heartwarming bakery that cares so much about its employees and customers.

If you want to know more about the video, please turn on the subtitle function.

“Japanese Bread for the World.” We are creating videos to promote Japan's wonderful baking culture, focusing on the techniques, history, and mind of the bakers.
Your support is our encouragement. We look forward to receiving your high ratings, channel subscriptions, and comments on our channel

You can check the stores we have previously covered.

【Store Information 】
Name: Boulangerie Recorte.
Address: 7516, Ookaidori, Hyogoku, Kobeshi, Hyogo
Map https://goo.gl/maps/JwggTZM3X6cFDou36

0:00 Digest
0:45 A day in the life of a baker begins before 2:00 a.m.
4:07 Galette des Rois for a staff member's birthday
10:07 Apple pie
13:43 Croissants
14:41 Homemade fruit butter
37:01 Opening of the bakery
44:58 Customer interview ①
46:10 Customer interview ②
52:04 Customer interview ③
54:40 Customer interview ④
58:02 Customer interview ⑤
1:00:04 Owner interview
1:05:14 Shopping time
1:06:14 Product introduction

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posted by zulisha8n