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Popular Japanese “Yatai Restaurant” a traditional Street Food stall vendors in Fukuoka! Yatai Keiji


"Yatai Keiji" is a popular food stall in Fukuoka (Hakata) that is crowded with many food stalls.

At the beginning of this year, the owner, who has a diverse background in architecture and design, renovated his stall based on his experience as a temple carpenter.
We took over the longestablished food stall that was founded in 1991 from its predecessor, and we took a close look at the daytoday of the popular food stall, which has been interviewed by many YouTubers.

[Store] Yatai Keiji
[Address] 1129 Akasaka, Chuoku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
   / @yataikeiji  
  / yataikeiji  
  / yataikeiji  
  / yataikeiji

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posted by HawJaibeballu