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Natural Remedies for Menopause Problems: It's NOT All About Hormones with Jane Thurnell-Read




Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide medical advice. The content of this podcast is provided for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health issue without consulting your doctor. Always seek medical advice before making any lifestyle changes

You can get Jane's book here:

Jane ThurnellRead is in her seventies she’s been a vegan for over 7 years. Before that she was vegetarian for over 40 years.

Jane is a health blogger and an indie author. Last year she published two books, which are available on Amazon and Audible. Her books look at the scientific research rather than popular beliefs. She distills this information into practical advice and tips that are easy to implement. She offers hope and positive inspiration to help you lead a healthier and happier life.

Menopause Weight Loss: Live Well, Sleep Well, Stop Hot Flashes & Lose Weight
“This book has really inspired me to make some relatively simple lifestyle changes and I’m already noticing a difference. I definitely recommend this book to anyone experiencing confusion or helplessness around menopause.”

“I now understand why I should quit chasing the quick fixes that have never worked and left me with dashed hopes. I find the knowledge here very motivating.”

190 Weight Loss Hacks: How To Lose Weight Naturally And Permanently Without Stress
This book looks at the scientific evidence for what works. It doesn’t offer fad diets or miracle foods. It offers simple, but effective tricks and tips that give you control of what you eat and more control of your life in general.

“Now this is a diet I can stick to. Because it's not really a diet it's just small tweaks to my normal life a life. I have lost 4 pounds in 8 weeks.”

The book has also been endorsed by doctors and nutritionists:

"As a specialist weight loss physician, I know the despair associated with believing that you have already tried everything possible to lose weight. This book brings hope to anyone in that situation. I consider it required reading for anyone aspiring to lose weight, and I recommend it unreservedly."
Dr Sue Kenneally (UK) GP, nutrition expert, bariatric physician

Jane is currently working on a new book on longevity and healthy aging.

Many people of all ages and backgrounds describe Jane as inspirational. She believes in living a passionate, ethical, crueltyfree life (with a sprinkling of vegan chocolate and vegan ice cream). Her healthy and exuberant energy mean that most people think she is in her early sixties.
She’s keen on going to the gym and lifting heavy weights – her personal best for deadlifting is 170 pounds (77.5 kg). She uses a bike as her main form of transporting, cycling 40 50 miles a week. She sees exercise as being part of a healthy lifestyle, with consistency being the key.
But her life wasn’t always like this. As a child she hated exercise. In her twenties she drank a lot of whisky and smoked 4050 cigarettes a day. She didn’t start to get fit until she was in her late forties.

Her website has practical articles backed by scientific research on weight loss, fitness, healthy lifestyle and much more.

She also has an Instagram account @thrivingjane   / where   she posts gym videos, inspirational quotes and vegan food pics. Many followers have said seeing Jane’s videos has motivated them to exercise regularly, achieving their own longedfor goals.

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