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5 Finger u0026 Wrist Exercises For Arthritis Sufferers To Restore Mobility u0026 Strength


This is a quick video showing you several ways you could improve your finger and wrist mobility and strength to relieve arthritis pain or stiffness in your joints. I myself have suffered with severe pain in my fingers and wrist the last 2 years due to an autoimmune disease (Psoriatic Arthritis) wreaking havoc on my joints. If I do not move my hand enough the pain will get worse and I will be unable to do simple everyday things like open jars, tie up my shoelaces, and even type on a keyboard! My thumbs and wrist were also in severe pain and again I had to find a way to work on them that would allow me to keep some of my movement for daily life. During this time my normal strength workouts were severely limited as I was really struggling to hold any significant weight. I found that using some of these exercises regularly and as a warm up before my workouts made a big difference in being able to do some of the "big" exercises that required much more gripping strength.

If you suffer with arthritis I do suggest to read the articles below to get a better understanding of the difference between osteoarthritis and autoimmune arthritis like Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis

Understanding Arthritis & Bone Density

Critical Factors For Preventing Osteoporosis

The two pieces of equipment I use in the video are called a Power Web and a Flex Bar.

You can get these on the internet from many suppliers. I don't have a preferred supplier that I use but I have provided two links below if you want to get one.

Power Web
Flex Bar

Grip strength has been proven in many studies to be a good predictor of future injury and even overall body strength. Therefor it makes sense that we should always be looking at improving grip strength and these exercises can go a long way to helping you.

I also mention in the video how many problems at the wrist can relate to elbow injuries. These exercises can be very useful for the person suffering with elbow pain. There are two types of elbow pain and they are often referred to as "tennis elbow" and "golfers elbow". (The official terms are lateral epicondylitis and medial epicondylitis).

It must be pointed out that only 5% of people suffering from tennis elbow or golfers elbow relate the injury to tennis or golf! Almost all of the people I have worked with for this injury over the past 16 years have never played either of these sports in their life!

Most of the treatments for elbow pain focus on treating the area in pain with massage, antiinflammatory medication, cortisone injections, and lastly surgery. None of these things will address the source of the problem which will always come back to poor stability and weakness. There are a lot of things you may need to address if you are someone suffering with elbow pain and I suggest for you to read the article below to see more about this.

Getting Rid Of Elbow Pain Is All About Scapula Stability

I hope you enjoy this video and it gives you some good ideas

posted by heurgrawn80