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誰來晚餐 GuessWho





為了在石垣島生活和則與素湄兩夫妻撿石頭、種菸葉、收集鐵樹子、做鳳梨酥、種花 又養蜂還忙代購...。如今他們的三個孩子們都大了。兩個女兒在東京當公務員。而兒子Yusuke留在老家學養蜂。


Between Islands Tales of an Immigrant Family in Ishigaki

You've heard of Okinawa, right? But have you heard of the Japanese island of Ishigaki, less than 300 kilometers away from Taiwan? Before and after World War II, hundreds of Taiwanese migrated to the island to settle and cultivate the land. 56yearold Kazunori, a descendant of those Taiwanese settlers, was born and bred in Ishigaki, but due to his genetics, he strangely feels like a foreigner at home and abroad. His Taiwanese wife, Sumei, met Kazunoiri while pursuing her graduate studies in Japan. A mixture of chillax country boy and scholarly expolice city girl, the couple has learned to embrace each other's differences. In today's episode, we meet Kazunori and his family as they prepare their youngest child to leave the nest and begin to enjoy their golden years. Why did Kazunoiri and Sumei's parents vehemently object to their marriage? What inspiration have they drawn from their Taiwanese heritage? How did a sweet Taiwanese delicacy help them hit the proverbial jackpot? Let's find out!

00:00 誰來晚餐片頭
02:02 家庭成員介紹
04:31 素湄超市代購
05:57 回家晚餐 爸媽對兒子Yusuke的關心
09:56 養蜂工作、兒子Yusuke的心內話
13:38 風景 務農養家的過去 和則的石垣牛暱稱
14:49 石垣市場 作烘焙養家的過去
16:34 老婆樂於服務人 老公樂於大自然
21:04 石垣島台灣人紀錄片 出現阿公阿嬤&小孩和則
24:15 石垣的台灣墳墓、台灣神像、親戚
28:23 全家回台探親
39:06 準備迎接來賓
51:40 片尾花絮和則爸爸開講

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posted by hemoree9w