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一周午餐便当,一次全做完How to prepare lunch box for the week (meal prep ideas u0026 tips)丨曼食慢语

曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes


● 藜麦饭Quinoa Rice
藜麦1杯1 cup quinoa
大米2杯2 cup rice
水 2.5杯米的用量Required water for 2.5 cups of rice

● XO酱虾仁炒饭XO Sauce Fried Rice with Shrimp
米饭300g300g cooked rice
虾仁150g150g shrimp
鸡蛋2个2 egg
腰果一把cashew nuts
西芹50g50g celery
冷冻蔬菜100g100g frozen vegetables
XO酱1大勺1 tbsp XO sauce
盐1小撮pinch of salt
白胡椒1小撮pinch of water pepper

● 南瓜排骨焖饭Risotto with pumpkin and ribs
米饭300g300g cooked rice
南瓜200g200g pumpkin
肋排350g350g pork ribs
五香粉1小勺1 tsp mixed spice
白胡椒粉1小撮pinch of water pepper
生抽2大勺2 tbsp light soysauce
黄酒1大勺1 tbsp shaoxing rice wine
冷冻蔬菜100g100g frozen vegetables
蒜头5瓣5 cloves of garlic
盐1小撮pinch of salt
葱花随意chopped spring onion

● 辣烤鸡翅Spicy grilled chicken wings
鸡翅中500g500g chicken wings
生抽3大勺3 tbsp light soysauce
蒜头5瓣5 cloves of garlic
五香粉1小勺1 tsp mixed spice
辣椒粉2小勺2 tsp chili powder
蜂蜜1大勺1 tbsp honey
黄酒1大勺1 tbsp shaoxing rice wine
白胡椒粉1小撮pinch of water pepper

● 烤排骨Grilled pork ribs
肋排350g350g pork ribs
生抽2大勺2 tbsp light soysauce
蒜头5瓣5 cloves of garlic
五香粉1小勺1 tsp mixed spice
花椒粉1/2小勺szechuan pepper powder
黑胡椒1小撮pinch of black pepper
蜂蜜1/2大勺1/2 tbsp honey
黄酒1大勺1 tbsp shaoxing rice wine

● 葱油Shallot Oil
猪油3大勺3 tbsp lard
植物油2大勺2 tbsp oil
小葱40g40g spring onion

● 蒋仕郎豆腐Stewed tofu with dried shrimp
豆腐350g350g tofu
海米dried shrimps
葱油shallot oil

● 西芹虾仁Stirfried shrimp with celery
西芹200g200g celery
虾仁150g150g shrrimps
蒜头1瓣a clove of garlic
红辣椒12个1 or 2 red chili
白胡椒water pepper

● 清炒豆角Stirfried beans
豆角250g250g green bean
蒜头1瓣a clove of garlic

● 油焖笋Braised bamboo shoots
春笋500g500g spring bamboo shoots
生抽1大勺1 tbsp light soysauce
糖1小撮a pinch of sugar
蚝油1大勺1 tbsp oyster sauce
黄酒2大勺2 tbsp shaoxing rice wine

● 蒜香黄油杏鲍菇Pleurotus eryngii with garlic butter
杏鲍菇200g200g pleurotus eryngii
蒜头1瓣a clove of garlic
罗勒碎1小撮pinch of dried basil
黄油5g5g butter
黑胡椒black pepper

▋便当组合lunch box combination

◆ 组合一Combination one
冷藏保存Keep refrigerated

藜麦饭Quinoa Rice
西芹虾仁Stirfried shrimp with celery
辣烤鸡翅Spicy grilled chicken wings
清炒豆角Stirfried beans
蒜香黄油杏鲍菇Pleurotus eryngii with garlic butter

◆ 组合二Combination two
冷藏保存Keep refrigerated

XO酱虾仁炒饭XO Sauce Fried Rice with Shrimp
蒋仕郎豆腐Stewed tofu with dried shrimp
清炒豆角Stirfried beans
油焖笋Braised bamboo shoots
小番茄Cherry tomato

◆ 组合三Combination three
冷藏保存Keep refrigerated

南瓜排骨饭Risotto with pumpkin and ribs
蒋仕郎豆腐Stewed tofu with dried shrimp
油焖笋Braised bamboo shoots
蒜香黄油杏鲍菇Pleurotus eryngii with garlic butter

◆ 组合四Combination four

XO酱虾仁炒饭XO Sauce Fried Rice with Shrimp
烤排骨Grilled pork ribs
另外准备Also need to prepare
混合沙拉Mixed salad

◆ 组合五Combination five

南瓜排骨饭Risotto with pumpkin and ribs
辣烤鸡翅Spicy grilled chicken wings
另外准备Also need to prepare
混合沙拉Mixed salad
猕猴桃Kiwi fruit

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