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Top 10 Rarest Cat Breeds

Scott Cunningham

These are the Top 10 Rarest Cat Breeds According to CFA
(Cat Fanciers' Association) and World Atlas websites.
If i had mistakes please let me know on the comments section below.

The Top 10:
10. Turkish Angora
9. American Bobtail
8. Korat
7. Ragamuffin
6. Burmilla
5. Havana Brown
4. Turkish Van
2. Sphynx
1. Laperm

Honorable Mentions:
Norwegian Forest
Scottish Fold

Details on Video:
Music by
Jaukim Karud Canals
Jaukim Carud Longing
Links:    • Joakim Karud  Canals   (Canals)

#Cats #Rarest #Informational
   • Longing   (Longing)
Illustrations by : Dreamstime

Thanks For Watching!

posted by mmaryjane33