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The 10 Things We Do That Cats Hate Most


In this video, Dr. Sarah Wooten shares the top 10 things cats hate the most. By avoiding these 10 things and adopting more catfriendly habits, you can help your cat lead a healthier, happier life.

Read more from Dr. Wooten on Cats.com: https://cats.com/author/sarahwooten
Visit Dr. Wooten's website: https://drsarahwooten.com
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Video Navigation

0:00 Introduction
0:37 1. Loud Noises
1:22 2. A Dirty Litter Box
2:10 3. Litter Box Accessories
3:03 4. Petting the NoNo Zone
4:07 5. Getting Wet
4:58 6. Medication
6:48 7. Stray Cats in Their Territory
7:52 8. Cat Carriers
9:33 9. Car Rides
10:44 10. Change
13:22 Conclusion

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posted by terceletem4