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[Otter Life Day 49–60] The Origin of the Shoulder-Riding Otter


This is a video of the 5769 days since Aty came to our home.
It is now normal for Aty to be on my shoulder.
Even while I was editing the video, he was either on my shoulder or in my clothes.
I realized that it is the otter's habit to keep their bodies close to each other.
As the temperature gradually began to rise in July, we started training to go to a real river surrounded by nature.
The river in the nature, not in the town, has a rapid current and the sound of flowing water is very powerful.
I started by getting him used to it so he wouldn't freak out.

23:09 fussy baby
29:00 Wants to take off my mask.
46:05 Life on the shoulder that has become routine
1:02:25 Practice getting used to the current of the river
1:08:50 Practice eating fish

★This video is the original source of the following main channel video.
   • Yes, let's go to the river [Otter lif...   Yes, let's go to the river [Otter life Day 49] そうだ、川に行こう
   • New species discovery [Otter life Day...   New species discovery [Otter life Day 53] カワウソの新種発見
   • Staring at the otter [Otter life Day ...   Staring at the otter [Otter life Day 54] カワウソをただひたすら見つめる
   • One of the daily routines [Otter life...   One of the daily routines [Otter life Day 55] 日課の一つ
   • Try the waterproof of  iphone XS with...   Try the waterproof of iphone XS with otter [Otter life Day 56] iPhoneXSの完全防水を試す水中のカワウソを撮影したらすごかった
   • Aty and the Otterman's weekdays [Otte...   Aty and the Otterman's weekdays [Otter life Day 57]カワウソアティとオッターマンの何でもない平日
   • The river! [Otter life Day 58] カワウソアテ...   The river! [Otter life Day 58] カワウソアティ 川ですよ
   • New walking course [Otter life Day 59...   New walking course [Otter life Day 59] 新しいお散歩コース
   • Results of giving tuna to otter [Otte...   Results of giving tuna to otter [Otter life Day 60] カワウソにマグロをあげた結果

Aty: A little boy otter who came to our house at the age of 9 months.
At first he couldn't even swim in the river, but now he loves the river more than anything else and swims in it all year round.
Whenever we go out, he always walks ahead of everyone, so he has come to be called “Captain Aty”.

Ui: A tomboy with comical movements.
Because of her ferocious nature, she had to go from one owner to another.
At first, she was so ferocious that Aty was too frightened to even touch her.
But Ui opened up to us and now she and Aty make out every day.
Aty and Ui have been issued a certificate of registration as an internationally rare wild animal and plant species.

★Main Channel
   / aty0730  


#otter #EndangeredSpecies #Aty #Ui #Mr.Cat #OtterAty #Camp #Outdoor #Nature #River #animal

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