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Mapping Europe's Tourism Future: Travelers’ Behavior Trends and AI's Impact

The Data Appeal Company - Travel Appeal

In this interesting interview conducted by Agata Marchetti, Director of the German National Tourist Board, Mirko Lalli, CEO & Founder of Data Appeal, and Magda Antonioli, Vice President of the European Travel Commission and director of the "Master in Economics and Tourism" at Bocconi University, unravel the transformations reshaping travel.

From cuttingedge technologies to shifting traveller preferences, we navigate through the currents of change in the industry. Discover the driving forces behind travel choices and delve into how artificial intelligence is reshaping the true essence of the travel experience.

For a deeper dive into the topic, download this insightful ebook by Data Appeal exploring the realm of GenAI and its profound effects on travellers, tourism operators, and destinations:

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