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Korat Cat Breed || Facts || Color || Personality

Cute Animal

Korat Cat Breed || Facts || Color || Personality #cutecats #cuteanimals #american USA Cat Video

Korat Cat Breed

The Korat is a medium sized cat with a robust, cobby build. The face is attractive and alert with a heartshaped appearance and large mobile ears. The overall impression the Korat gives is of smooth curves and huge eyes, wrapped in a gleaming bluesilver coat. Eye colours are green, or greenishamber, and may take up to two years to fully develop their final colour.

Key Facts

Lifespan: 10 15 years

Weight: 2.7 4.5kg

Colours: Blue is the only colour the Korat comes in, though the degree of silver shading may vary.


The Korat is an engaging and affectionate cat, inclined to ‘help’ owners with anything they are doing around the home but in an unobtrusive rather than irritating way. Whether you are doing a little light plumbing, or simply watch TV, the Korat will be by your side, on your lap or possibly, in your toolbox! Korats are also excellent problem solvers and not just at opening containers or cupboard doors. Korats have even been known to alter radio settings to a station more to their liking! Korat owners say that the breed is not only expressive and easy to read, but are adept mind readers and they know what you are thinking, often before you are thinking it!

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