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How To Teach Your Dog Their Name | Chewtorials


In this Chewtorial, we’ll be showing you how to teach your dog their name. As far as dog lessons go, this is one of the easier things to teach a dog. You just need to establish a positive association between you saying their name and the result. In this case, we’re using dog treats to create that connection.

Step One: Get Ready.

Grab about ten of your dog’s favorite treats and isolate yourself from any other pets that might be tempted to compete for your attention or the treats. It will also help your pup to focus on learning their name.

Step Two: Say Your Dog’s Name

Say their name and offer them a treat. Their response isn’t important yet. You just want to build a link between calling your dog by name and a reward. As long as they can hear you say it, you’re one step closer to teaching your dog their name.

Step Three: Repeat

This simple action— saying their name and feeding them a treat may seem too easy, but in short lessons of a few minutes, it’s an excellent way of teaching your dog to recognize their name.

Try integrating two lessons per day for the first few days. Try dog calling outside of the room you practice in and see how they react. It’s a good way of measuring their progress.

Step Four: Switch Things Up

Once you’re comfortable that the lessons for teaching your dog to recognize their name have started making an impact, try saying their name in different tones of voice.

Try calling their name with different inflections and emotions. Say their name as if scared, excited, as if you’re in a hurry... This will help your dog to recognize their name regardless of how it is spoken or by whom.

You can also try incorporating distance between the two of you or calling your dog by name in different places, in the company of other pets or people.

Teaching your dog to know their name is an essential part of building a rewarding relationship with them. It also provides a crucial tool to help keep them safe. Be patient and remember to let them learn at their own pace. Before long you’ll be calling your dog by name with ease.

posted by Eulanqm