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How To Cat-Proof Your Christmas Tree | Chewtorials


Between the lights and ornaments, it’s easy to understand why cats are drawn to Christmas trees. This Chewtorial will cover how to cat proof your Christmas tree. First, it’s best to choose a safer tree like a faux one or a smaller tree. Next, anchor your tree in a safe location. If they like to climb, your cat will go into the Christmas tree. Secure your tree so it won’t fall onto them. You could also place your tree into a spot where your cat cannot reach. This will keep your cat out of the Christmas tree. Another way to cat proof your Christmas tree is to be smart about decorations and use safe options made from plush, paper, or large beads. If you have fragile ornaments, place them on a the top of the tree. For step 4, you can use a cat deterrent to stop your cat from getting into the Christmas tree. On step 5, we explain that your cat may like the tree because of the water so make sure your cat does not have access to it. Lastly, it’s best to remove tempting presents around your tree, like ones filled with food or catnip.

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posted by Eulanqm