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Happy Vegan Couple

It is so amazingly easy to make these little sprout powerhouses! Here's a way to get a concentrated dose of the powerful anticancer chemical, sulforaphane, that can be found in these sprouts. You can buy them in the store, but you will spend much more money than if you make them yourselves. In February, 2023, the price for a pound of organic seeds costs around $36.00. While the price has gone up since last year when we bought some seeds, the bag will last you a long time as you only use 2 Tbsp at a time. If you have not yet tried making these sprouts, we hope our video will encourage you to do so. Why not take advantage of a powerful anticancer compound and help lower your risk for cancer? Here are the directions to make the sprouts and we show the process in the video. Enjoy!

1. Put 2 Tbsp of broccoli seeds in a sprouting mason jar. Fill halfway with water and let soak for about 2 hours.
2. Drain all the water after 2 hours. Fill with clean water just enough to wet the sprouts. Drain again. Then place the drained jar on your counter at a tilt so any remaining water can drain out. Put a towel or paper towel under the lid to catch the remaining water.
3. For the next few days, rinse the sprouts and drain the water as described above, 3 times during the day. When you rinse the sprouts with clean water, be careful to gently swish the sprouts and don’t be aggressive. Each time, remember to put your jar on a tilt on your counter to drain out remaining moisture. Also, when you place the jar on the tilt, try to have the sprouts not all stacked up at the mouth of the jar. Have them spread out throughout the jar length as best you can. The main point is not to clump them together.
4. In a few days, you will have broccoli sprouts; put them in the refrigerator. We keep ours in the mason jar with the screened lid and they seem to do fine . One jar last us for about a week, but depends on how much you choose to consume daily.
5. To get the full benefit of the sulforaphane in the sprouts, chew your sprouts well!

posted by MigiodilkYhok43