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Growing hydroponic cucumbers outdoors DIY setup with solar


Learn how to grow cucumbers and tomatoes using a solarpowered DIY hydroponic setup off the grid. Iguanas have been eating my garden vegetables from my raised garden beds so this season I am going to try growing cucumbers and tomatoes protected in my screenin patio using a DIY hydroponic system.

Learn how I built my solar hydroponic system using the parts below.

Parts List (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from these affiliate links.)
Frabill 12v Aerator pump (paid)
Zahgo Mesh Net Pots (paid)
Aerogarden Fertilizer (paid)
Costco 27 Gallon Storage Bin

0:00 Cucumber iguanas
0:31 Solar hydroponics parts
1:17 Reservoir assembly
2:42 Aerator explanation
4:02 Solar air pump test
5:36 Air pump aerator assembly
7:46 Fertilizer dosing
8:12 Potting cucumbers
9:12 Completed

posted by fcastle25l5