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Fried Rice! Fried Chicken! chinese dumpling! Japanese popular Chinese restaurant

Japanese Noodles Udon Soba Nagoya Tokai

00:00 Working 16 hours a day!!! The reality of the amazing Chinese restaurant in Nagoya!
   • 日時間働く鉄人町中華職人のリアルが衝撃すぎた。。  

1:04:24 Shocking giant char siu! The couple works in perfect harmony! Nagoya's top Chinese restaurant!
   • 衝撃の巨大チャーシュー夫婦の神連携で大量注文を捌く名古屋最強町中華  

1:43:36 What’s this?! Fried chicken and fried rice are sold crazily! The best restaurant in Nagoya!
   • ナニコレ唐揚げと炒飯がドカ売れするチャーハンじじいが最高すぎた。。  

2:30:36 Mega fried rice! With more meat! Providing within 60 seconds! Popular Chinese restaurant in Nagoya!
   • ドカ盛りチャーハン肉増し僅か秒の爆速提供で働く男たちを支える町中華丨...  

3:14:28 Amazing Chinese fried rice with grilled meat in Nagoya! Many male regular guests love it!
   • ガテン系職人爆食いアニキたちが殺到する焼めし町中華| Amazing Wo...  

posted by tamnijimed