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Doug's Secret Stash

Sarah and the Wolves

Toys are a hot commodity in our house, and Doug has his own technique for hanging onto his.

Doug is quickly learning the ropes at our house. All toys are fair game, but only if they can be found. While playing with Indigo (the splash at 0:20 is her not so graceful entrance into the pool to cool down), I noticed Doug didn't want to leave the doggy veranda. Upon closer inspection, it became clear why he was parked up there in the sun.

Doug doesn't know fetch yet and he mostly just chews softly on toys, but he sure does know how to collect. Luckily, he's the sweetest boy and doesn't display any resource guarding. Resource guarding is very common in wolves and wolfdogs, and can be a difficult behavior to manage. Indigo can be a pretty fierce resource guarder, but Doug just doesn't have that instinct.

Doug is a possible low content wolfdog, definite Malamute mutt angel boy.

posted by valfundiib