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Coming Out Story Part 8 — Power in Vulnerability

Tanner Eustace

Thank you all for watching! If you would like to share your own story, please feel free to comment and/or email!
Coming Out Part 1:    • Coming Out Story Part 1  
Coming Out website: https://whenicameout.com/
Love Victor Coming Out:    • Victor Comes Out To Felix | Love, Vic...  
One of my favorite gay YouTubers whom I find very relatable:    • Coming Out Of The Closet: Realizing Y...  
The following are some songs that have helped me along my journey:
Tell Me Ray by Jon Wayne Hatfield:    • Jon Wayne Hatfield Sings EMOTIONAL So...  
Loneliness by Putri Ariani:    • Putri Ariani  Loneliness ( Official ...  
Monsters performed by Iam Tongi and James Blunt:    • Sensational Duet From American Idol W...  
I also wanted to share my New Year's Resolutions in case they resonate with anyone:
1. Don't fix what isn't broken.
2. Don't dig yourself a hole that may end up caving in, where climbing out may be impossible. Some conflicts are not worth your time and energy.
3. Have confidence in who you are, for if you have good morals and mean well, then it is the fault of others for not recognizing your sincerity.
4. Be open about how you feel, articulating things matteroffactly. Using "I" statements instead of accusatory ones helps to assume best intent of the other party during a conflict.
5. Stay curious and share your passions with likeminded people who will listen. Recognize your audience so that people don't detract from your sense of self.
6. Recognize that we as humans tend to fixate on negative events, and you should not let them take over the positive aspects of your life.
7. If something feels off, do something about it; procrastinating on addressing an issue is frequently not ideal.
8. Appreciate yourself and the value you bring to the table, but also have humility in recognizing that nobody is perfect.
9. Surround yourself with those who love you for you. Cutting out people who don't support you is difficult, but often worthwhile, and it's possible that having a civil conversation with someone who doesn't make you feel comfortable in your own skin could resolve things, but not guaranteed.
10. "If you're lost, we're all a little lost and it's alright" Nightbirde
Also, to the person from high school who was cruel to me: not caring about another human, especially after such a devastating loss of someone you knew personally, is potentially indicative of psychopathology and I hope that 2024 brings you the happiness that can hopefully erase your resentment. I would like to forgive you and I hope that you can apologize one day for hurting me, as I am sincerely sorry for my own mistakes along the way. Human growth is so beautiful and I wish you could see me for me.

posted by tuannyajh