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Are Cortisone Injections For Shoulder or Hip Injuries Making Your Problem Worse?


This may be regarded as a controversial video to many who see cortisone injections for pain relief as essential and the gold standard of treatment for common hip and shoulder injuries. However, if you spend the time to watch this video you will find that you may be causing more problems than you solve by using this type of treatment. Make sure you read the detailed article about this topic below that includes the references to studies mentioned in the video along with better explanations of exercises I prefer to use.

Cortisone is a potent antiinflammatory medication. It was only discovered as recently as 1950 (earning a Nobel Prize for medicine for Hench and his coworkers), and has been available in an injectable form since 1951. It acts on both acute and chronic phases of inflammation to reduce both tissue swelling and subsequent scar formation.

Cortisone injections are often used to treat inflammatory arthritis conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis and the purpose of this is not just to relieve the person of pain but to prevent bone damage and permanent disfigurement. While these injections may be very helpful in treating autoimmune diseases and preventing further destruction of bone, they are not a good solution for treating osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal type injuries that they are also commonly used for.

Cortisone is a type of steroid and while it helps to reduce pain in the affected joint by decreasing the inflammation it also has some negative side effects. They inhibit the cells that can help repair damaged tissue and therefore may weaken tendons. Cortisone has been shown, in many studies, to accelerate degenerative osteoarthritis through cartilage breakdown.

The fact that cortisone is a poor solution is not something that I just made up or based solely on my opinion. This information has been around for some time and many health organizations are very aware of this problem, which is even more baffling for me as I see people every week given this type of treatment for a shoulder or hip problem that is caused by the way they move.

Joint instability comes from ligaments that become weak and overstretched that forces the body to react by sending fluid into the joint in an attempt to correctly stabilize it from further damage. The weakness is the end result of poor movement strategies and destructive forces creating the instability resulting in extra fluid being pushed through small cracks in the articular cartilage. If the instability is left unchecked it eventually causes the knee cartilage and meniscal cells to drown to death. This is the beginning of osteoarthritis.

Many people believe it is the osteoarthritis causing the pain and inflammation and that this is the end result of getting old. Both of these assumptions are false. Inactivity and poor movement causes the inflammation, not old age. The osteoarthritis is the end result of the pain, not the reason for it.

Using exercises to improve your movement strategy, range of motion and stability of the joints are the best solution to chronic injuries like hip and shoulder bursitis. NOT cortisone injections.

Additional articles to check out about this are below

Joint inflammation & what to focus on instead of pain relief
Isometric and eccentric strength training
How to assess and improve functional movement patterns
Shoulder stability Exercises
Hip Stability Exercises

Back pain
Shoulder pain
Knee pain
Hip pain

posted by heurgrawn80