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5 ingredients that are actually good for cats

Jess Caticles

There are lots of cat food ingredients we should avoid. But these are the healthiest and best cat food ingredients!

Cat care binder → https://catcarebinderhub.teachery.co/buy
Switch to Raw Blueprint → https://switchtorawblueprint.teachery...
Homemade Cat Food Starter Kit → https://homemadecatfoodstarterkit.tea...
Bundle and save 40% → https://catcarebinderhub.teachery.co/...

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Thanks for watching! If you're new here, I'm a Clinical Pet Nutritionist who also worked as a cat sitter with 100s of cats for 3 years before starting my online business.

I've learned the hard way over and over again with so many cats diabetes, CKD, liver failure, obesity, cancer, stroke, and shortened lives.

And I finally realized that overly processed dry and canned cat foods are the opposite of what our carnivore cats should eat.

So now it's my mission and purpose from YAHUAH to help cat parents transition from commercial food to a homemade diet.

If you'd like to give your cat the best life possible so you can both THRIVE then you're in the right place ♥

#catcare #catnutritionguide #catnutritionist #jesscaticles

posted by ardentluv015gi