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13 Top Cat Breeds With Big Eyes | ESB Top 10

ESB Top 10

A unique feature on a cat that stands out, like hair color or hair type, is eye size. Cats with big eyes are seriously cute, and some have an animecartoonish quality to them. Breeds with big eyes include familiar breeds, like the pretty Persian or the more exotic Tonkinese or Singapura. Eyes are one way that your cat communicates. Pupil size, blinking, staring—each is a potential sign about your cat's thoughts and imminent actions. In this case, when it comes to eye size, the bigger the window, the easier it is to understand your cat.

Whether your cat is feeling fear, aggression, pleasure, or excitement, the eyes have it. Learn the signs (including the rest of its body signals), and you unlock an unspoken language with your cat.

Medically speaking, bigeyed cat breeds do not have a higher tendency to have eye conditions as a group. However, of the top bigeyed breeds, Persians and Burmese are more prone to cataracts, a condition when the eye lens becomes white and cloudy. All cats, no matter the breed, can develop cataracts in their old age.

These are the top 13 cat breeds with large eyes.

1. Cornish Rex
2. Devon Rex
3. Sphynx
4. Persian
5. Scottish Fold
6. Burmese
7. Tonkinese
8. Russian Blue
9. British Shorthair
10. Abyssinian
11. Chartreux
12. Ocicat
13. Japanese Bobtail

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