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11 Things Cats Love the Most

Jaw-Dropping Facts

There are a few things in this world that cats like more than a fresh meal.
In this video, we will discover the top 11 things that cats love the most.

High Spots
Most cats love to sleep and hang out in places with good vantage points. Whether it's the top of a refrigerator, a high shelf, or a window perch, cats feel more comfortable in the upper half of the room where they can keep an eye on the world around them.
Cats love boxes because they get comfort and security from enclosed spaces. Boxes offer a safe zone where a cat can observe and not be seen. This is ideal for cats as their reaction to stressful situations is to run and hide.
A research conducted by the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands found that when cats were provided with boxes, they seemed to show lower stress levels.
Another set of research conducted by the National Research Council concluded that boxes can help keep a cat warm.
Seeing the world through the windows
Although cats do not depend on their sight as their primary sense, they can still see fairly clearly at distances of up to 20 feet. Open some of your shades and blinds, so your cat can see what’s going on outdoors.
Highpitched voice
Cats like being talked to and there are scientific studies that back this claim up.
Cats are more likely to respond and socialize with people if they are spoken to in a calm and soft voice. This means that volume and tone of voice are essential elements when talking to felines because they may feel safe or threatened depending on the loudness or tone of our voice.
Cattoys that mimic pray
For cats, play is serious business. They engage their natural hunting instincts through play.
The toys cats enjoy most are the ones that add a bit of realism to a mockhunting adventure. The more a toy feels, looks, moves, and even smells like prey, the better cats like it.
Archaeological evidence suggests that all domestic cats come from the African wildcat called Felis Silvestris Lybica that originated in the MiddleEast. As descendants of desert animals, domestic cats are hardwired to thrive in hot climates.
With an average body temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit, cats living in cooler climates must compensate for their temperaturesensitivity.
Cats love catnip and most felines get hyperactive in response to this plant. They roll over on it, purr loudly, flip onto the floor, and eventually calm down. Cat behaviorists often recommend catnip for relief during stressful situations, like traveling, when introducing a new pet, or moving to a new home.
Researchers believe that catnip targets the “happy” receptors in the feline brain. It stimulates certain brain chemicals related to mood and happiness.
Listening to Cat Music
Cats love music, but they don’t enjoy human music — at least according to new research. A study published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science has discovered that in order for our feline friends enjoy music, it has to be composed specifically for cats.
Running water
Cats love drinking water from running faucets.
This is because cats are instinctively suspicious of stagnant water. In the wild, standing water is a breeding ground for bacteria and has the potential to make wild cats very sick.
The running water from the tap also probably tastes better because it's cooler and oxygenated.
If there’s one thing your cat loves more than food, it’s you, the human who gives them affection and love.
A 2017 research conducted in the Oregon State University studied what attracts cats the most.
The scientists offered cats a choice between food, toys, scent, and social interaction with humans and watched what happens. Believe it or not, they found that most cats prefer social interaction with humans over everything else — even food.
In another study, scientists brought cats and their owners to an unfamiliar environment where they had never been before. For a few minutes, they let the cat and the owner be together in the room. After that, the owner left the room and the cat was alone for two minutes. Scientists found that that two minutes alone was a phase of stressor milestone to cats
Cats have a need to scratch. This one activity satisfies a wide variety of instinctual needs.
Encourage scratching by placing scratching posts in different areas of your home. Scratching posts need to be sturdy and tall. Your pet should be able to comfortably reach up, stretch, and scratch, without the posts tumbling over.
Now that you know what your cat loves the most, make sure to make time to incorporate them into their daily lives. They will thank you for it.

posted by gorda48ji