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Jaw-Dropping Facts

Jaw-Dropping Facts
In this channel, I create educational videos about pets and explain proper ways to care for them. I have a doctoral degree and I keep the content of this channel scientific and wellresearched. I am a pet expert, and spend many hours writing original scripts to convey true and informative content about pets. I use voiceover and my own custom original animations to visually explain the concepts.

I also upload videos known as dog TV and cat TV to keep your pets entertained. All the footage, music, visuals and audio in these videos are recorded by myself. The relaxing music in these videos is our original composition created by us through improvisation and playing piano. Here is behindthescenes: https://youtu.be/2JdAefQy4A

Finally, I also upload videos of sounds (e.g. cats meowing sounds, dogs barking sounds) to stimulate your pets. ALL the clips and sounds in these videos are original and recorded by me exclusively for my channel, and all rights are reserved (no reused allowed)

posted by gorda48ji