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原地过年也要有仪式感,2021的年夜饭是小团圆版New Year's Eve Dinner of 2021丨曼达小馆

曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes




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市售拉皮200g Northeast Lapi 200g
配菜garnish food
胡萝卜小半根half of carrot
黄瓜半根half of cucumber
木耳5g5g edible tree fungus
鸡蛋1个1 egg
生抽3大勺1 tbsp soy sauce
蚝油1大勺1 tbsp oyster sauce
芝麻酱2大勺2 tbsp tahini
香醋2大勺2 tbsp vinegar
糖1小勺1 tsp sugar
纯净水3大勺3 tbsp water
白胡椒1/4小勺1/4tsp white pepper
熟白芝麻cooked sesame
蒜蓉1小勺1 tsp minced garlic
辣椒油随意chili oil

鹰嘴豆100g100g chickpeas
卤水1L1L brine

糯米75g75g glutinous rice
广式香肠1/2根1/2 cantonese sausage
干香菇7g7g dried mushroom
黄酒1大勺1 tbsp yellow rice wine
姜末1小勺1 tsp ginger
生抽1大勺1 tbsp soy sauce
盐1/4小勺1/4 tsp salt
糖1小勺1 tsp sugar
白胡椒1小撮a pinch white pepper
大鱿鱼一条约500ga whole squid about 500g
卤水3L3L Chinese brine
韩式辣酱2大勺2 tbsp Korean chilli sauce
卤水4大勺4 tbsp Chinese brine
paprika甜红椒粉1/2小勺1/2 tsp paprika
蜂蜜1大勺1 tbsp honey
孜然粉1小勺1 tsp cumin powder

鸭腿2个约500g2 duck legs about 500g
咸柠檬1/4个1/4 salted lemon
咸柠檬汁1小勺1 tsp salty lemon juice
干灯笼辣椒2大把2 handful dried Lantern chili
姜3大片three slices of ginger
蒜半头half of garlic
八角1个1 star anise
水400ml400ml water
黄酒2大勺2 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine
糖1小勺sugar 1 tsp
蚝油2小勺oyster sauce 2 tsp
白胡椒1小撮white pepper 1 pinch
杭椒150g150g Hang pepper
小米辣12个12 bird'eye chili

牛腱子400g400g bovine tendon
牛蹄筋200g200g cattle hoof tendon
熟金钱肚200g200gcooked beef tripe
炸鱼蛋80g80g fried fish balls
咖喱粉12大勺12 tbsp curry powder
姜黄粉1小勺选用1 tsp turmeric powder
姜片6大片6 slices ginger
大葱白2大段white parts of leek
大葱绿1大块green parts of leek
胡萝卜1个1 carrot
白萝卜1个a white radish
干腐竹34把34 handful dried yuba
香菜1小把handful coriander
椰浆100ml100ml coconut milk

6、干煸豆角 Stir dry green beans
豆角400g400g green beans
蒜蓉1小勺1 tsp minced garlic
花椒面1小勺1 tsp szchuan pepper powder
小米辣2个2 bird'eye chili
盐1/2小勺1/2 tsp salt
糖1/2小勺1/2 tsp sugar
生抽2小勺2 tsp light soy sauce

7、四喜羊肉烧麦 Lamb Siu Mai
羊肩肉400g400g Lamb shoulder
大葱200g200g leek
姜1小块 , a small piece of ginger
胡萝卜大半根约150ghalf of carrotabout 150g
木耳8g8g dried cloud ear fungus
花椒1.5大勺1.5 tbsp szechuan pepper
白胡椒1/4小勺1/4 tsp white pepper
香油3大勺3 tbsp sesame oil
生抽3大勺3 tbsp light soy sauce
老抽1小勺1 tsp dark soysauce
黄酒2大勺2 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine
盐1小勺1 tsp salt
糖1小勺1 tsp sugar
五香粉1/2小勺1/2 tsp five spices power
饺子皮500g500g dumpling wrapper
玉米淀粉防粘用corn starch

8、腌笃一家亲 Yan Du Xian
面筋塞肉Oily gluten stuffed meat
小油面筋80g80g small oil gluten
猪肉糜300g300g minced pork
黄酒1大勺1 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine
生抽1大勺1 tbsp light soy sauce
蚝油1大勺1 tbsp oyster sauce
花椒水1大勺1 tbsp szechuan pepper water
姜泥1小勺1 tsp minced ginger
葱花1大勺1 tbsp chopped green onion
五香粉1小勺1 tsp five spices power
白胡椒1/4小勺1/4 tsp white pepper
香油1大勺1 tbsp sesame oil
鸡蛋1个1 egg
玉米淀粉2大勺2 tbsp corn starch
盐1小撮a pinch of salt

金华火腿70g70g Jinhua Ham
咸肉100g100g salted pork
冬笋2个2 winter bamboo shoots
油面筋塞肉8个8 oily gluten stuffed meat
百叶结150g150g bean curd leaf knot
小葱结2个2 green onion knot
葱花chopped green onion
姜片23片23 slices of ginger
白胡椒1小勺1 tsp white pepper

9、桂花藕粉糖芋苗 Osmanthus lotus root starch,Sugar taro
芋艿12个12 Taro
小苏打1/4小勺1/4 tsp of baking soda,
冰糖150g150g rock sugar
藕粉5g5g lotus root starch
干桂花1大勺1 tbsp dried osmanthus

10、柚子生姜饮 Grapefruit Ginger Drink
白肉葡萄柚2个约700g2 grapefruits (about 700g)
糖300g, 300g sugar
生姜100g100g ginger
蜂蜜350g350g honey

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