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黑芝麻馒头【Black Sesame Seeds Bun】松软香甜 含钙量超高 营养丰富

小太阳妈咪·Love the Kitchen

黑芝麻馒头 【Black Sesame Seeds Bun】松软香甜 含钙量超高的 营养丰富

200g 中筋面粉 All purpose flour
25g 糖 Sugar
2g 酵母粉 Yeast
120ml 温水 Warm water
45g 黑芝麻粉 Black sesame powder

2开始揉面5分钟将面团分成8份大约每个48g 盖上保鲜膜防止风干

1) Mix all the ingredients evenly, knead the dough and let the dough rest for 10 minutes
2) Start kneading the dough for 5 minutes, divide the dough into 8 portions, about 48g each (cover with plastic wrap to prevent air drying)
3) Take out the first dough, knead the dough for about 50 times and it will be smooth, knead it into a ball shape, push the dough up (it will become flat after fermentation) and repeat the rest of the dough
4) Put it in a steamer ferment for 40 minutes (put warm water in the pot)
5) Test whether the dough is fermented
6) Boil the water and steam for 12 minutes, stew for 2 minutes


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posted by o2tebll