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過去現在與未來【八珍甜醋份外香】Pat Chun Sweetened Vinegar - from the past to the future | made in Hong Kong 香港製造

Pat Chun 八珍醬園

伍偉森先生於1932年在香港創辦八珍理念很簡單 — 釀最醇的醋曬最香的醬油做最美味的食品。我們沒有改變世界的野心只摯誠希望讓更多家庭品嚐美味可口的醬醋食品。
In 1932, Mr Ng Wai Sum founded Pat Chun in Hong Kong based on simple values To ferment aromatic vinegars, brew tasty sauces, prepare nutritious foods. Our company was founded on this humble belief in providing families with tasty and nutritious foods.

八珍網店 Online shop:

[香港門市 Hong Kong Shops]
旺角店 (Mong Kok Shop Tel:2394 8777)
中環店 (Central Shop Tel :2545 6700)
筲箕灣店 (Shau Kei Wan Shop Tel:2569 2296)
油麻地店 Yau Ma Tei Shop Tel:2384 8544)

[新加坡専門店 Singapore Shop]
1719 South Bridge Road, Singapore 058660 (Tel: 65 6438 0480)

posted by ashmarie587p