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強化膝蓋的下蹲運動|簡單容易!功效大!|Squat exercises to strengthen the knees | Simple and easy! Great effect! |cc字幕

Master Leung 梁教練

Squat exercises to strengthen the knees | Simple and easy! Great effect!




#Strengthen the knee
#Improve gastrointestinal discomfort

Squatting against the wall is a good choice for many friends who have bad knee joints, and you will get very good benefits from this exercise.
There are many knee arthritis caused by degenerative changes in the muscles, also called osteoarthritis, which is inflammation caused by the friction of cartilage, ligaments, and burs due to the loss of muscle stability.
Squatting against the wall can exercise the muscles around the knee joint very well, increase the stability of the knee joint, and reduce the pain of arthritis.
The action diagram of squatting against the wall is actually relatively simple. It is recommended that you spend 1020 minutes for training. Each time you squat against the wall is 2030 seconds, and increase the time to 60 seconds, and then do 68 sets !
Squatting against the wall can also shape the hip and leg muscles, improve the basic metabolic capacity of the body, and burn the excess calories of the day! Of course, it can also be combined with some upper body movements to train together.
The upper and lower limbs can be coordinated with training. When the lower limbs are trained, you can practice the muscles of the upper limbs. You can do dumbbell curls, dumbbell presses, and so on. Not only can burn calories, strengthen the muscles of the lower limbs, but also shape the muscles of the upper body!
In addition, if you are already at a relatively good level and hope to break through yourself, then you can also raise one leg for training like this lady, which can put more pressure on the hip and leg muscles!
1. Squatting against the wall is the most friendly leg exercise for novices. Through the principle of isometric contraction of muscles, it exercises the endurance and strength of the thigh muscles;
2. Under the premise of giving the knee joint minimum damage, strengthen the knee joint muscles, thereby alleviating the arthritis caused by muscle degeneration;
3. It can be used as an entrylevel exercise for novice fitness players, reducing the problems of knee joint buckling and shaking during barbell squats;
4. It can help women burn calories, shape gluteal muscle lines, and improve basic metabolism.


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