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Yam Rice / Taro Rice 芋头饭 | Mr. Hong Kitchen

Mr. Hong Kitchen阿鸿厨房

大家好 这一期视频和大家分享家庭版芋头饭 在家也能做出美味 米饭下锅翻炒几下 煮出来特香 一道让人怀念的家乡味 大家记得收藏起来 喜欢看我烹饪视频的朋友记得订阅 打开铃铛 Mr. Hong 陆续出好菜 感谢大家支持

材料: wpy
米 2杯 约320g☞清洗干净沥干水备用。
清水/泡虾米水/泡冬菇的水 2 1/3杯
蛋皮丝: 1粒蛋打散煎成蛋饼切丝备用。
☞ 6粒红葱切丝炸至金黄捞起放在厨房纸巾上吸干油分备用。
虾米 30g
☞ 洗干净再用热水烫5分钟沥干水保留备用把虾米用厨房纸巾吸干水份
冬菇 3朵 泡软切粒保留泡菇的水备用
青葱花 4棵
芋头 1粒 切粒状
腊肠 1条 切粒
盐 半茶匙糖 1茶匙胡椒粉适量生抽 1汤匙蚝油 1汤匙
黑酱油 少许调色
1. 起锅烧热葱油爆香虾米加入冬菇炒香加入腊肠炒香再加入芋头粒
2. 取出芋头饭铺上蛋丝撒上青葱花和炸葱油酥即可。

Ingredients (Diana Aw)
1. Dried shrimp 30g soak in warm water. Drain and pat dry, chopped smaller, keep the water
2. Fragrant rice 320g wash twice and drain
3. Shallots x6 cut slices
4. Spring onion x4 stalks cut diced
5. Mushroom x3 cut diced
6. Yam xhalf cut cubes
7. Chinese Sausage x1 cut cubes
8. Egg x1
Method to soak and rinse mushroom
1. Soak the mushroom in water for a while and drain
2. Mix some plain flour and some water, then rub the mushroom for 3min
3. Wash the mushroom under running water to rinse away the dirt and drain the mushroom
4. Add some clean water to the mushroom and cover it for half day. The mushrooms will be soft and the water can be used for seasoning, soup based, cook yam rice, etc
1. Combine the mushroom water and dried Shrimp water together and set aside
2. Fry the shallots till golden brown. Do not turn to high heat.
3. Stir fry the dried shrimp till fragrant
4. Add in mushrooms and stir till fragrant
5. Add in Chinese Sausage and stir till fragrant
6. Add in yam and stir till fragrant
7. Add in rice and mix well
8. Add 1/2tsp salt, 1tsp sugar, little pepper, 1tbsp light soya sauce, 1tbsp oyster sauce, little dark soya sauce and mix well
9. Transfer to rice cooker
10. Add 2and 1/3cup of water (step 1) and mix well
11. Add in some fried shallots and cook the rice
12. Once cooked, stir the rice and leave for another 10min
13. Fry one egg omelette and cut thin strips
14. Dish up the rice and garnish with egg and spring onion
15. Serve and enjoy!

MR HONG X 九陽 电饭锅 Rice Cooker
下單链接 https://bit.ly/2QKN3hE

#YamRice #TaroRice #芋头饭 #家庭版芋头饭 #Recipe #食谱

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posted by kaalbas2p