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WOW! NASAGUY Stays Off-Grid for 10 days with Rockwood 2205S


Properly set up, the Rockwood Minilite is the perfect "Escapepod". With the right solar and lithium batteries, and use of Propane instead of new DC frig, it runs offgrid for 10 days straight. NASAGUY shows you some tricks to keep cool in the summer, and how to properly configure the Rockwood 2205S from options to color schemes.

NOTE: To upgrade the WFCO Converter to Lithium requires replacing the bottom section (the charger) to the part: WF8955LISMBA ( I don't think the MBA part is relevant). The key is to match up the amperage with the unit you have. So if you have a 55 amp charger, make sure to order the 8955 with the 55 amp charger. There is a switch which allows you to change from Lithium to Lead Acid on this board. The unit which all the dealers I know install is not appropriate for lithium so make sure if you're upgrading to make sure they use this part. Note that many of the newer units are probably coming with the lithium charger included, so check to see if it has a lithium charging profile.

The battery I used is a 206 AMP HOUR Lithium battery, and is one single battery which costs around the same as one of the typical batteries. It works extremely well. It does not quite fit in a regular battery box, but I left it looking "messy" so that no one would know it was a unique set up.

It is a SOK unit: Here is a link (I don't make money off this, but found it on sale).{campaign}&utm_term=shopify_US_5206884221068_34335187501196&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6dGChIrh9wIVNAytBh2vRAp4EAQYASABEgK5IvD_BwE

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