I was challenged by VW to make electricity to support their electric Supercar at Pike's Peak. The CRUSHED the course record by 15 seconds in the race. I got a little help from William Osman and some kids and without hurting any feelings one was better than the other.
Check out William's video here: • How Much Electricity Can 1000 Lemons ...
The battery used to store and deliver the lemon, zipline, and solar power is a Mobi Gen built by FreeWire Technologies.
0:01 Arrow Andrew Applepie http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/
1:09 Run Andrew Applepie http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/
1:56 Keep on Tryin Andrew Applepie http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/
2:42 Cereal Killa Blue Wednesday / bluewednesday
5:48 Danijel Zambo Riding through the hall of the mountain king / danijelzambo
6:24 Joakim Karud Almost Original
8:46 Berlin Andrew Applepie http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/
9:35 Danijel Zambo Devil in Diguise / danijelzambo
11:35 Too Happy to be cool by Notebreak / dubsteptoohappytobecool
Summary: I was challenged to charge VW's electric supercar for the upcoming Pike's Peak race. I first built a lemon battery with William Osman. Then we tried a regenerative zipline. Then we tried solar power with a twist.
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