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Rock Skip Robot- The Science of Perfect Rock Skipping

Mark Rober

Shout out to Skippa the robot for her help on this one.

0:11 Cereal Killa Blue Wednesday   / bluewednesday  
0:35 Pokemon in NYC Andrew Applepie http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/
1:14 Danijel Zambo Moutain King   / danijelzambo  
2:54 Faidherbe Square ProleteR   / proleterbeatmaker  
3:35 Berlin Andrew Applepie http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/
4:44 Arrow Andrew Applepie http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/'>http://andrewapplepie.com/
8:13 Q Blue Wednesday   / bluewednesday  
10:00 Too Happy to be cool by Notebreak   / dubsteptoohappytobecool  

Summary: I built a rock skipping robot with the help of my nieces and nephews to understand the perfect way to skip a rock. In the end we learned that 4 things matter most:

1) Rock angle of 20 degrees
2) Rock PATH angle of 20 degrees
3) Spin the rock as much as possible
4) Choose a rock that is flat on the bottom and as heavy as possible for you to still get to your max arm speed.

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posted by ritualom29