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Why Your Voice Is Boring (And How to Fix It)

Chris Liepe

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What makes your voice sound boring? I think most people, when they say their voice is boring, mean that is sounds flat or unexciting. There seems to be no interesting aspect of their voice to make it stand out. They gotst the notes and the words, but that's about it!

The real problem is not the person’s voice – it is that they are not exercising all the dynamics that are possible with their voice. As a singer, they are more focused on hitting the notes instead of really interacting with the song. I mean, if you’re covering a song by your favorite artist or band, you want to do it justice, right?

But then, notes, phrases and timing take over and there is no room left for the true expressive factors that you actually can exercise with your voice.

How can you fix that? I’m glad you asked!

posted by ostankuuo