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What is a Landing Page?


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A landing page is a web page that a has a single focused calltoaction, either a signup form or a button.

Visitors to these pages generally arrive after clicking on a Google or Facebook Ad or a link on a Google search results page. And one of the most important aspects of a landing page is that it has no topbar navigation links, meant to limit the options available to your visitors helping to guide them toward your intended calltoaction.

Contests are a great way to get new Facebook likes, Twitter followers, traffic to your website and leads by enticing them with a prize.

There are many different types of contests from the most basic "random draw" Facebook Sweepstakes to highly involved video contest s with a full panel of judges to decide a winner. All of which can easily be setup with contest apps like Wishpond's.

My biggest piece of contest advice?

Don't give away an Ipad. You will get a ton of entries, but those people will only be interested in ipads, not your products. This will make it almost impossible to convert these users into actual sales for your business.

Giving away a product you sell or a store gift card ensures that entrants are interested in you, which makes it easy to convert them into sales.

There are two main types of landing pages for two different goals
Clickthrough Pages, which are meant to sell visitors on a product, service or offer with a value proposition, the images and the information needed to make an informed decision and get them to click a calltoaction button, which directs them to an ecommerce shopping cart, PayPal payment or registration page.

Lead Generation Pages: These are used to collect information such as a name and an email address through a sign up form. This allows you to market to and connect with these potential customers (or leads) at a subsequent time. As such a leadgeneration page will contain a form along with a description of what you'll get in return for submitting information or "opting in".

An effective leadgeneration page offers people something in exchange for completing the signup form. an ebook, a free webinar, a coupon, a giveaway...This is what's known as the "bribe".

posted by entinem5z