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Wenjian Mountain visit the largest gathering place of '88 Stone Buddhas in the Sikoku' in Taipei

Tony Huang

The "Taipei Shikoku Eightyeight Buddhas Shrines" established in the 14th year of the Japanese reign era (1925) placed 88 stone Buddhas in downtown Taipei, Yuanshan, Zhishanyan, Caoshan Road, Zhuzihu, Beitou, etc. . Most of these stone Buddhas disappeared after the war, and there are currently less than 40 of them. The largest "gathering place" among them is the Zhengyuan Temple in Dazhi. From MRT Jiannan Road Station, just walk for about 15 to 20 minutes to Zhengyuan Temple, You can also climb from Zhengyuan Temple to Wenjian Mountain, then go down the mountain through Jiannan Butterfly Education Park, and visit Jiantan Temple along the way.

posted by ongezansiv4