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Watch this BEFORE you get a BENGAL CAT | Bengal 101

Julia Lee

From having never owned a cat to now owning a Bengal, I’ve learned SO much about this cute and crazy breed in the last 3 months! Bengals are definitely not for everyone and the decision to get one should not be taken lightly. Hopefully through sharing my experience with my Bengal kitten Nova, you can decide whether they are right for you.

To see more of Nova, check out her channel: ‪@ezranovaconan‬

0:00 Why we got a Bengal cat
0:39 Affectionate and needy
1:33 High energy and intelligent
2:39 Like to bite and play rough
3:34 Curious and unstoppable
4:27 Love water
5:35 Bold and brave
6:20 Talkative
7:06 Patient
8:05 Bengals are not for everyone

#bengalcat #bengalcatlovers #catmom

posted by bunkerator1