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Treating Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats

Dr. Bozelka, ER Veterinarian

This video is long, but is a pretty comprehensive video on diarrhea in dogs and cats, when it's really concerning, and how you can treat simple cases at home! Well worth the watch, if I do say so myself ;)

As an ER veterinarian, a HUGE chunk of the cases I see tend to resolve around diarrhea. I think that gives me some pretty solid credentials when it comes to speaking on such a smelly topic. And if you have a dog or cat, you either already have or WILL be dealing with diarrhea at some point in your journey.

Even though there is a seemingly infinite number of things that can lead to diarrhea in dogs and cats (especially dogs), simple cases where the pet is still eating and acting ok can actually be treated pretty easily at home. However, as mentioned in the video, if your pet is not eating, is lethargic, or is also vomiting, you really need to have them evaluated by a veterinary professional. OR, even if your pet is acting ok, if your worried about the diarrhea you can always bring them in to get checked out!

If your pet is otherwise doing well, it's fair to start a bland diet and give your pet time. BE PATIENT!!! Diarrhea can take a 3+ days to actually resolve.

The bland diet should be 2 parts carbohydrate source (white or brown rice) to 1 part lean protein source (chicken breasts, egg whites, lean ground beef or lean ground turkey).
Feed 45 smaller meals throughout the day (don't worry if you only get 3 meals in)
Stick with just the bland diet for 35 days until the diarrhea starts to improve, and then transition back to normal food.
The "amount" of the bland diet isn't super important since it's only for a short time. Just kind of eye ball it. If the amount looks like it's too much for a Yorkie, it probably is.

Make sure your pet is drinking plenty of fresh water, and PLEASE do not give them yogurt as a probiotic source. It's really high in fat, and human yogurts don't have enough bacterial populations to really provide benefit to dogs and cats. And some even contain Xylitol, which will cause worse problems than the diarrhea!

If you do try treating your pet's diarrhea at home and it is NOT improving or your pet's condition is worsening, please bring them in... Don't be a hero.. That's my job! :)

posted by konopiany0v