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Treating Annular Tears Deep Dive | Annular Tears Part 4

Dr. Tony Mork

This is part 4 of a 4 part series. In part 4, Dr. Tony Mork shows more about free floating fragments in the degenerative disc with annular tears and why they are't seen in MRI or CT scans. This video shows how these dead tissue fragments can cause the feeling of "my back just gives away" as well as how leaking of the damaged discs can give rise to many odd complaints that include burning sensations in the legs, feet or genitals. This video continues to look at various treatment options for toxic annular tears that cause chronic low back pain.

Symptoms of annular tears can be as elusive as they are distressing. In the case of minor tears, individuals may remain blissfully unaware, unknowingly aggravating their condition through unwitting activities. Finding respite from the discomfort proves to be an arduous task, as even the slightest alteration in position offers meager relief. Sitting down, in particular, can amplify the torment of annular tear pain.

Regrettably, severe annular tears give rise to more pronounced symptoms. Bulging discs emerge, accompanied by excruciating pain, discomfort, and a disconcerting sensation of tingling or numbness in the arms and legs. In such trying circumstances, it becomes imperative to seek medical attention promptly. Pinpointing the cause of recurring back pain requires astute diagnostic tools, among which the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan stands as an invaluable ally. Nevertheless, certain annular tears may elude even the discerning gaze of the MRI, necessitating the deployment of a CT discogram. Through this procedure, a discerning liquid dye is injected into the disc, revealing any tears, no matter how minute, on the subsequent CT scan.

The road to healing is often a lengthy one for annular tears, owing to the restricted blood supply to the annulus fibrosus—vital for the body's innate reparative mechanisms. Physicians, therefore, approach treatment conservatively, opting for antiinflammatory medications to alleviate pressure and, if necessary, steroid injections to temper the pain. Additional avenues of relief emerge through chiropractic treatments, spinal traction therapy, and physical therapy, offering solace to those suffering from annular tears.

Yet, should these noninvasive methods prove ineffective, surgical intervention may become the sole recourse. Laser procedures present a means to seal off annular tears, preventing further injury. Alternatively, the advent of minimally invasive techniques, such as endoscopic discectomy, enables the removal of painful loose disc fragments within an annular tear. In more severe cases, where damage is extensive, disc replacement or spinal fusion surgery emerges as potential solutions. Excitingly, innovative treatment options utilizing a patient's own stem cells to regenerate annular fibers are on the horizon, although currently reserved for select cases.

If relentless back pain persists despite rest and reduced activity, it is crucial to consult a medical professional without delay. Ignoring severe annular tears can pave the way for even more distressing conditions, such as herniated discs. A wellcrafted treatment plan, tailored to your specific needs, promises to alleviate discomfort, restore your desired level of activity, and nurture a healthy, painfree back. Embark on this journey of healing, and reclaim the joy of a vibrant, unburdened life.
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