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Training a dog a reliable recall and adding distractions: Willow's cold trials on a walk


Working on Willow's recall is ongoing. If I want us to enjoy off lead walks it's my responsibility to teach her to return when called from a variety of situations. Some of the reasons are:
1. For her safety. 2. Out of courtesy to others who may not like a dog to approach them no matter how friendly or those who are scared of dogs.
3. Out of courtesy to other dogs who may not like strange dogs approaching.
4. Legally the Dog Act states that the person with an off lead dog needs to have "control".

Once the foundation training is done, it's time to take training on the road. I do cold trials during our walks where she never knows when I will call. I start easy and get harder depending on what pops up. I always reinforce. Here's today's example of recall from distractions.
* Sniffing bushes.
* Running towards a lone person on beach (open area).
* Two people approaching on path (narrower area).
* Suddenly appearing over crest of hill: a pram, kids (noisy, moving eratically) and 2 adults.
* Motor equipment being started.
* Stationary dog on lead, people sitting facing away. I put Willow on lead for this one since this may be harder for her. If in doubt, use discretion and do not put a dog in a situation that may be unsafe.

You will notice I mention number of people, the location, ages and type of movement. All these things matter and are important to consider when training. For instance I would not get this close to an unknown, off lead dog in a narrow, confined area who was running directly toward us. That is not the time to train: it's the time to take evasive action.

posted by Obracaj5u