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Tofu Recipe | How do you make homemade steam Vegan Dumplings [fun to make and easy to steam] 素蒸饺

SOYASOYANG- Soy Kitchen 豆食记

#steam #Vegan Dumpling #tofu recipe
How do you make homemade steam Vegan Dumplings [fun to make and easy to steam] 素蒸饺 I love dumplings! This vegan vegetable dumpling, Jiao Zi recipe is easy and SO delicious. The homemade wrapper has a chewy QQ texture that is irresistible in every bite! It's perfect for a weeknight dinner or potluck.
Thanks for watching!
// Kochbuch: Sojabohne Königin der Bohnen

// Bilderbuch: Der neunfarbige Hirsch

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posted by Enanthem0c