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The Magnetic Touch The Secret to Sell More

Florencia Andres

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Dive into the world of online course creation with Florencia Andres, a Mindvalley Course creator and founder of Easy Launch Academy. Whether you're just starting out, as an aspiring course creator, or if you are looking to enhance your current offerings, this video is your roadmap to building your profitable online course that not only educates but also engages and sells.

Florencia Andres will walk you through the essential steps and strategies used by top course creators, sharing insider tips on how to design, develop, and deliver a digital course that stands out in the crowded online education space. From identifying your niche and crafting compelling content to leveraging the latest tools and technologies for an interactive learning experience. This video covers the essentials to make money online, from your home, from your current skills. By building one online course, and launching it the right way.

Ever felt like you're spinning your wheels trying to sell your online product? Trust me, I've been there too. But guess what? It's not your product that's the issue; it's how you're marketing it.

In this video, I'm here to lend you a helping hand. I'll walk you through a simple 3step process called "The Magnet" that'll make selling your online product a breeze. No more stressing about complicated marketing strategies – we're keeping it chill and straightforward.

Florencia Andrés reveals secrets of the top online course creators, the ones that make 6 and 7 figure revenue from selling a single online course. Whether you're teaching coding, cooking, or calligraphy, the principles of effective online course creation remain the same.

A note from Florencia to you:

Let's embark on this journey together, transforming your expertise into a digital course that sells like hotcakes.

This is the exact method that I used to go from "online newbie" to becoming a course creator for Mindvalley, the behemoth of the digital courses industry. From "never made a single dollar online" to having steady 6 figure months. From being allergic to tech, to running my own online business.

If you want me to teach you how I did it, I cover everything in this free training:

I became obsessed with online courses when my son was born. I wanted to find ways of earning without leaving my home. I tried oneonone sessions, groups coaching...and I could not find what I was looking for: freedom of schedule and financial abundance.

Do you want to be trained by me for FREE to start your own online? Click here:'>

Until I discovered the power of online courses. It took me 2 years to create my first online courses. And I thought I would fail. But I didn't. I made 4647 dollar with that first launch. It was not lifechanging money. But it was a lifechanging feeling: I could make money from my home, while being there for my baby, without compromising my schedule.
Strangers had bought my thing...while I was sleeping!

I got hooked.
I studied and tried every single thing possible.
I gradually started to see women coming in this space: Amy Porterfield, Sunny Lennarduzzi, Gillian Perkins. This space had been dominated by men for a long time, so seeing women emerging was something that made me very happy.

I spent many years learning from the best. I invested in a million trainings. I started creating courses. At the begining I was bad. But I kept going, and getting better. And in every step, I kept investing in learning, in acquiring skills, in getting better.

I continued growing and I eventually became partners with the best people in the industry: Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, Alessio Pieroni, former MVP of Mindvalley, Brendan Kane, the guy who can make anyone go viral...and the list goes on.
I truly learned from the best. And continue to learn from the best. Because I am constantly investing to upgrade my skills. Plus, the online world evolves day by day. So you gotta keep up.

After seeing what worked for me and my lifestyle and what didn't work. After studying every book and trying every model, After years of trial and error....I found the model that works best for me and for all the people I taught this to.
The Easy Launch method. Because what truly worked for me and for the rest of the people I've taught this to, is to keep it simple. I wanted to be able to run this on my own from my home. To be able to manage it in the time my kids are at school. To be able to take days, or weeks off the business, without pausing my revenue. Passive income for real.

00:00 Intro: Digital Product
00:55 Selling website
02:25 What makes people want to buy from you
04:10 Your Clients Problem
06:22 The Plan
07:17 The Happy Future
09:24 The website screte elemment
09:36 What Do I sell?
11:28 How my life will change?
12:00 How Do I buy from you?
12:28 Customers Objections
13:14 Why do I should trust you?
14:50 :)

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