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4 steps to crush self-doubt and gain total confidence | Florencia Andres

Mindvalley Talks

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Selfdoubt is one of the biggest obstacles that's affecting even some of the world's most successful and top performers.

According to confidence and motivation expert Florencia Andres, it's not about numbing yourself to the doubt... But what you do in the face of selfdoubt.

And in the process? Unlock total and unstoppable selfconfidence to drive you to the pinnacles of success in every area of your life.


In 2020, Florencia Andres and her mother Veronica became the first authors to host a Mindvalley Quest in their native Spanish, the quest 'Confianza Total' is now available for all Mindvalley Members.

Together with her mother, Florencia has published four books, all of which became bestsellers. They are Confianza Total, Todo es Posible, Confianza Total Para tus Hijos, and Renuévat have sold over half a million copies, leading to the pair becoming the first women in 40 years to win the "Gold Book Award."

Watch Florencia's full MVU talk now by signing up as a member:'>

#FlorenciaAndres #confidencebooster #selfdoubt

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