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The Magic Word When Your Ex Won't Budge in Negotiations

Susan Guthrie

It happens in almost every negotiation, that moment when one or both sides are so entrenched in their position and what they want, that it seems as if settlement is impossible. No one is willing to budge. However, as a divorce attorney and mediator for 30 years, I know there is one magic word that has the power to break that impasse! Watch this video to find out how to move things forward even when they seem unmoveable!

Nationally recognized as one of the top family law attorneys and mediators in the country, Attorney Susan Guthrie, calls upon her 30 years of experience in the field, as both a top litigator as well as a mediation professional, in order to bring you the top tips and latest tools to help you navigate the divorce process more easily, and with less expense and stress. As Susan likes to say, "This Ain't Your Mama's Divorce"!

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