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'THE JOURNEY' Pilot Episode - First Australian MiniTruckin Documentary

Inspired Existence Australia

We have been under the pump the last two years collecting footage an editing long days an nights to get the first ever Australian Minitruckin Documentary done and last night at East Coast Cruise we released the full first episode for people to see as an exclusive experience,

Now we would like to present the documentary online for all to see here on our facebook and on our youtube channel,

There are a lot of people we would like to thank but that list is way too long to pin point every single person involved as everyone has supported us throughout the whole project so far but we do want to give some big thank you's to our member Luke Kennedy for being our there since day dot of inspired an here every step of the way throughout everything we do,
Russell Zout for giving us the idea an believing that it can be done an trusting us to take it further without his involvement not only from organising interviews but also jsut showing how passionate he is that makes us so motivated to continue to do more an more and last but not least everyone one of you australian minitruckers,

The people is what makes the scene so great the trucks are just an excuse to get together,

There will a lot more episodes to come so stay tuned.

posted by sparkeeparkeeza